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Businesses all over the UK are in the dark about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). There’s confusion around regulation, responsibility, and the severity of the problem. More often than not, management is unaware of how quickly you must act and the consequences of failing to do so.

The facts

  • There are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year in the UK
  • Every week, 100 sudden cardiac arrests occur in the workplace
  • Without immediate treatment through CPR or a defibrillator, 90-95% of sudden cardiac arrest victims will die
  • As each minute passes after an SCA, the victim’s chance of survival decreases by 10%
  • The average ambulance response time to a life-threatening incident is around 8 minutes in the UK
With these alarming figures, preparing for the worst and installing an on-site defibrillator could be the difference between life and death for members of staff, customers, or people in your care.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Recent years have seen heightened public awareness around how businesses protect staff and customers. SCA can strike at any time – are you prepared?

  • The law
    There is currently no legislation in the UK that forces certain businesses or premises to provide an AED. But you could be liable for failing to take appropriate safety precautions on your premises and showing signs of negligence.
  • Accountability
    Every business, organisation, or institution is accountable for their actions. Failing to put preventative measures in place to protect your customers and employees leaves your reputation on the line.
  • Peace of mind
    As a manager or person with responsibility for others, you can rest assured you have put everything in place to ensure their safety in the event of an SCA.

How do they work?

Modern defibrillators are inexpensive, simple to operate, and safe for users.

  • Simple to operate
    Defibrillators are designed to be used by people with no medical background. Members of staff or the general public can follow voice or visual prompts given by the device through the entire process from the moment it’s switched on. For even more assurance, training can be provided.
  • Safe
    The device will never shock someone whose heart is in a non-shockable rhythm. Anyone operating a defibrillator can rest assured that they will not shock someone unless they need it.
  • Legally covered
    There are many fears and rumours regarding legal repercussions of using CPR or a defibrillator. You cannot be sued for trying to save someone’s life with a defibrillator.

Considering the risks of your business

When it comes to SCAs certain industry conditions also increase the likelihood of one occurring. These include:

Working with high-voltage equipment

Working at height

An ageing workforce

Areas where physical exertion or exercise occurs regularly

Buildings that are hard to reach for an ambulance have an even greater need for a defibrillator. Especially if there’s an increased probability of traffic or you’re in a hard-to-access urban location.

Next steps / More information

A sudden cardiac arrest could strike at any time with lethal consequences. It’s critical for site managers and members of staff with responsibility for duty of care to install a defibrillator on-site. By installing this device, you increase the chance of a member of staff surviving should the worst occur.

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