How can schools prepare for a sudden cardiac arrest?

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School cardiac arrest

How can schools prepare for a sudden cardiac arrest?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a common cause of death in adults. It accounts for an estimated 100,000 deaths each year in the UK. For children and adolescents, SCA is rare but just as severe. Almost 300 children die from it at school in the UK every year.

This tragic and often unexpected cause of death shatters families and destroys lives. It’s essential that teachers, parents, and students are adequately equipped to handle an SCA at school.


Research has shown that using a defibrillator in the first three to five minutes sees survival rates jump from 6% up to 74%. Yet it’s not compulsory for schools to have one on site. In many cases, a defibrillator can be the difference between life and death. It’s essential life-saving equipment that should be readily available in every school.

Until defibrillators are made legally compulsory in schools, it’s up to you to help protect students, staff and visitors from an SCA.

How do they work?

Modern defibrillators are inexpensive, simple to operate, and safe for users. The AED will analyse the heart’s rhythm and apply a shock to restart it or advise that CPR should continue. Teachers or students can follow voice or visual prompts given by the device through the entire process from the moment it’s switched on.

Once attached to the patient with pads, it can determine whether they have suffered from an SCA. This is important for the rescuer operating the machine – it will not shock a patient whose heart is in a non-shockable rhythm. It’s safe for both students and teachers to operate.

Risk factors in schools

Although SCA may occur in children of all ages, it most commonly occurs between 10-19 years old. The greatest risk factor for young people is athletic activity or intense physical exertion – it is the leading cause of death in young athletes. SCA accounts for 75% of all young athlete related deaths. These figures highlight the importance of installing an AED near sports facilities, such as the school gym or the sports field.

CPR initiatives in schools

After years of campaigning, life saving first aid training is finally going to be included in the British school curriculum from 2020. Secondary school students will be taught how to administer CPR as well as basic treatments for common injuries. International evidence has shown legislation like this helps create a nation of lifesavers – survival rates in both Norway and USA have increased thanks to these changes.  

An easily accessible defibrillator also saves lives. Just like first aid training, they should be readily available in every school. An SCA can be lethal at any age. It’s a school’s priority to ensure the safety of their students. Every measure should be taken to help protect victims and equip schools with a defibrillator.

At Defib365, it’s our mission to provide businesses and communities across the UK with defibrillators. Investing in just one for your organisation can make the difference between life and death. Whether you would prefer to lease or buy our products, get in touch today on 0333 050 6649 to find out how we can help you.

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